Ready to get started?
As the owner or operator of a non-profit, spreading the word about the work that you do is key to the success of your organization. No matter how big or small your nonprofit organization may be, the team at Digital Mark Co can help you grow and strengthen your online presence. We work with nonprofits in various areas with a range of budgets and would be glad to partner with you as well.

Highlight Your Work
How does your nonprofit have an impact? What kind of outreach does it do in the community? At Digital Mark Co, our website developers and social media managers can share details about your nonprofit with the community. Our experienced photographers and videographers can meet you at local events to document the work you do. We can record interviews with those who have been assisted by your nonprofit. We can feature information about upcoming events that your nonprofit is hosting.

Finding Volunteers
Every nonprofit organization needs good volunteers, but many of these organizations fail to provide detailed information about volunteer opportunities on their websites. At Digital Mark Co, we have several ways that we can help draw volunteers to your nonprofit.

First, we can build a strong website for your nonprofit that includes an easy-to-find “Volunteer Opportunities” page. We can even build a form that potential volunteers can fill out or create an interactive calendar that allows volunteers to check their schedules.
Additionally, by implementing strong search engine optimization techniques, interested volunteers will be directed to your nonprofit when they search for opportunities in their area. Your nonprofit organization will be ranked highly in online searches after we create or edit your website content.

Make Donations Easy
Everyone involved with a nonprofit organization knows that donations are necessary for the organization to continue its work. How easy is it for donors to send money to your nonprofit? At Digital Mark Co, we can build a donation page for your website that makes donating easy. We can allow donors to make their donations in memory of a loved one or in honor of other individuals. We can build links to fundraisers that our social media managers can share on your social media accounts. We can help make donating as simple as possible for the community.

Expanding Your Reach through Social Media
Interesting, engaging social media accounts help catapult your nonprofit into the center of your community. We are knowledgeable about the various algorithms that are used by different social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Our social media managers can create content on your behalf and schedule it to be posted at optimal times to ensure as many viewers as possible see it. Sharing updates, important news developments, and even humorous content (where appropriate) will draw others to your cause.

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To Maximize Your Nonprofit Organization’s Impact on the Community, Contact Digital Mark Co Today
At Digital Mark Co, we can help create or improve your online presence. We understand that many nonprofit organizations have tight budgets and have an array of products and plans available. No matter what your budget may be, we provide high quality products and services. To learn more about our team and to see samples of our work, call 904-547-2736.
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